Sunday 18 November 2012


The other day we had a master class of stories, Malin Glimäng tell us the importance of telling stories to our pupils.
Stories are essential in these ages because children use them every day as a strategy for their communication.
Stories involve cultural aspects because children can travel to places that they never have been, and we can create a lot of motivation when we say we are going to tell a story because in the tails there is something magic. It’s like the stories have their own world with other rules, in which fly is something normal and happy endings are true.
But there is something more inside the tails, one strategy that we can use is the meaning who gives the pupil confidence because they can understand the opinion of the character, they can identify with someone else.
But we have to be careful with the stories: we can’t lose the magic of the story, we should keep the balance between demands and supports, and we should keep in mind that we have to adapt the tail for the age of our students.

Here we put a mind map of the main ideas:

Now we are going to explain with a mind map, how we can work with the stories in the five skills

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